WHen you realize the Adult in the room is yoU
management Development for millennial leaders
"When you realize the adult in the room is you" was built on insights collected from over 10 years of working inside high-growth companies and over 500 hours of working 1:1 with leaders. We recognize that being a leader comes with unique challenges and needs unique development solutions.
While many training programs spend a lot of time on theoretical leadership concepts, we know that most leaders want information that they can act fast on. Our trainings include digestible, easy-to-apply frameworks that work for fast-paced, high-growth environments. This program ensures that your leadership will grow as fast as your company.
Program Outline
Course 1
When you realize you're a leader now
Leadership doesn't just happen over night because you're given the title. Great leadership takes focus and intentionality. In course one we will define what it means to be intentional in leadership and why that matters for maximizing impact.
Course 2
When you realize that change is hard
One of the most common challenges for leaders is leading through constant change and shifting priorities. In course two we will learn how keep ourselves and our teams encouraged and engaged in ever-changing environments
Course 3​
When you realize you have to be compassionate & move the needle
In fast paced environments, many leaders find themselves challenged with how to strike to balance between care for people, and the need for results. In course three we will learn how to coach our teams with compassion and accountability
Course 4​
When you realize that people are...complex
Leadership is hard because people are hard. In course four we will learn how to break down the complexities of human challenges and work through a framework for solving our most difficult people-related decisions
All day in-person training
Chief, Fulton Market
9am - 4pm CST
Friday, June 16th
Half day live virtual training
9am - 2pm CST
Friday, November 3rd
Join us in person for a full day of growing and development. Meet other Chicago leaders, take part in an interactive development session, and enjoy the incredible space of Chief. Coffee, snacks, and lunch provided.
Stay around afterwards for an optional happy hour following the session!
Each week of this 7 week virtual program will leave you with a new skill to implement with your team that week. Meet other leaders from around the nation, take part in an interactive development session, and develop a leadership toolkit that will help you be better than the bad bosses that came before you.
- 750 US dollars
- 400 US dollars
Many companies cover the cost of development programs.
We created an email template to make it easy to ask your manager or HR partner to cover your cost.